Elizabeth Mendoza
About Elizabeth Mendoza
SinceOctober 2002 I have exhibited in Melbourne and Perth. My artwork is designed to create energy,movement, emotion and colour. Imaginationis used to create artworks which are colourfully interpreted using a variety ofmedia executed in a contemporary concept.
Icontinually explore different methods and styles to create artwork whichcaptures the imagination and be visually pleasing. The artwork I create aims to present thevarious subjects in a positive and colourful way to capture the viewer’sattention and appreciation.
Iam currently a member of the Mentone Mordialloc Art Group, Geelong Art Society,Victorian Artists Society and Artsource (WA). I have received several awards and have held solo exhibitions inMelbourne in 2003, 2004 and 2006 and in Beverley WA 2008. Have also undertaken two art residencies atthe Beverley Station Gallery WA from October 2008 to February 2009 and inOctober 2009.