Hugh Evans


Landscape In Coral
ACRYLIC 112x64cm
Landscape In Mocha I
ACRYLIC 90x90cm
Landscape In Mocha II
ACRYLIC 90x90cm
Landscape In Pink And Orange
ACRYLIC 100x130cm
Landscape In Plum I
ACRYLIC 45x45cm
Landscape In Plum II
ACRYLIC 45x45cm
Four Mile Beach, Port Douglas I
PASTEL 94x94cm
Four Mile Beach, Port Douglas II
PASTEL 94x94cm
Turquoise Desert
ACRYLIC 100x100cm
Landscape In Red, Green And Yellow
ACRYLIC 170x129cm
ACRYLIC 81x128cm
Landscape In Orange
ACRYLIC 111x91cm
click on artwork to see a larger version

About Hugh Evans

Hugh's recent work clearly elalaborates on how he feels about the landscapes he visits and how the landscapes focus and stretch the imagination from the real to the etheral.

The distinctive graphic scribbled tree images, well known as Hugh's trademark distillate to a huminist quality as the clusters of trees often depict the vast and varied chapters of his life.

Having said that, Hugh requests that we do not become too analytical in our interaction but rather let each work 'flow over you taking from it what you may.Let each work grow on you. 

See website for bibliography and CV.

For more on Hugh Evans see

Site by Lagado