Peta Tranquille


Wattle Valley Road
acrylic 91x91cm
*Enlargement A
acrylic 30x30cm
*Enlargement B
acrylic 30x30cm
*Enlargement C
acrylic 30x30cm
click on artwork to see a larger version

About Peta Tranquille

Peta was raised on a piggery farm in the wheatbelt of Western Australia and wanted be an artist from a very young age. As a teenager she moved to Perth where she was encouraged to study Cartography. She worked in this industry for 30 years, doing mainly portraiture, in her spare time.

in 2013 Peta moved to Melbourne, from Perth, with her husband and their son. Art has always been an important part of Peta's life and she is now a full time Cartographic Artist.

Mapping has slowly become a digitally dominated field and Peta wants to bring back the nostalgia of hand-made maps in a modern minimalistic style.Peta's work makes a statement with its use of colour and technical precision. As an artist, she would consider herself versatile and is always exploring. Peta has only ever been able to draw what she could see in front of her, or from photos, as she is unable to visualise (Aphantasia) like most people, and in particular, most artists. Consequently, her methods are somewhat different to other artists. Peta’s signature utilises her middle name and initial of her first and maiden names. #plouiseg (Something she derived in her early teens and uses to this date.)

The submissions to the show are a map of the area surrounding the Canterbury Primary School. The smaller canvases are Enlargements of 3 areas within, one being the school itself.

Peta welcomes commissions of mapping related pieces and cater for land maps, railway maps, geological maps, thematic maps, topological maps and more.

To contact Peta Tranquille see her website

For more on Peta Tranquille see

Site by Lagado