Sally Courtney
About Sally Courtney
Sally Courtney has a Diploma in Graphic Design coupled with a background in illustration, photography and sculpture. After spending a year in Graphic Design, Sally ventured into her own giftware business selling locally and internationally. The last eight years Sally has focused on her true passion of painting and sculpture, her style is eclectic with a quirky and cheerful perspective. When Sally is not working on a commission piece of artwork. When Sally is not working on a commission piece or exhibiting artwork, she is working at her new business. Opened January 2013, S&J Framing Workshop, 431 - 433 High Street Rd, Prahran (90907679) - Sally is enjoying doing or directing custom framing, framing classes and gallery.
Sally’s paintings this year will feature a Circus stage theme along with 3D and 2D collages, made from vintage rulers Sally sourced from various overseas locations.
For more on Sally Courtney see
S&J Framing Workshop: